Tagged: employees


Book my show lays off 200 as pandemic thrashes movie business

Khevna.P.Shah, INN/Bangalore @Shahkhevna1, @Infodeaofficial BookMyShow is an online platform for booking movie tickets and entertainment events, which  has laid off 200 people, the  cofounder and chief executive Ashish Hemrajani tweeted. It is the second major...


How the pandemic stalled the career of Working mothers

Khevna.P.Shah, INN/Bangalore @Shahkhevna1, @Infodeaofficial The global pandemic has been hard on the working class and many employees have lost their high-paid jobs because of the cost-effective workings of the companies. People, especially from the middle...


Vaccines may become your carnet to the job soon

Khevna.P.Shah, INN/Bangalore @Shahkhevna1, @Infodeaofficial After the deadly pandemic, the announcement of vaccines was a sense of relief for the decreasing Indian economy. It provides a way out of the COVID-19 pandemic and forebodes well for...