Start something of your own than looking for a job: Padma Mr. Suresh Krishna

Whom do you give credit for what you become? Is it home, school or college?

By- Tanya Sinha, IIN/Chennai, @tsinha42

Every year, when a school and college organize an “Alumni Meet” for the students and teachers to come on the same platform and interact, to seek the knowledge of what the students are doing in their respective lives, after they graduated, where are they working. It may same very cliché but it is an integral part of each school and college and a proud moment too when their alumni take over the stage and talk about their lives and how the institution they study in, transformed them and helped to achieve their life goals.

“The day I provide job opportunity to any person I feel satisfied that day.” Said Padma Mr. Suresh Krishna, an alumnus of Madras Christian College, Chennai. Addressing the event “Distinguished Alumni Series” in MCC.

Padma Mr. Suresh Krishna who is the Chairman of TVS & Sons, talking about the current scenario, where he feels it is difficult to find a job, said “In the current scenario in our country it’s very much important that we study to gain knowledge and start something of our own than looking for job.”


As he believes that this will not only enhance their skill and knowledge but will also help youngsters to be independent than be dependent on job opportunities after completing their course.

On completing his graduation in Chemistry in 1954 followed by the post-graduation and further studies in abroad, worked in TV Sundaram Iyengar & Sons Ltd in 1961 founded Sundaram Fasteners in 1963. Padma Mr. Suresh Krishna has been instrumental in the growth of Group Company with competitive achievements and roles in the corporate industry was awarded with “This year’s Distinguished Alumni Award in the recognition of his visionary leadership of India; Inc. his commitment to excellence, his contribution to the phenomenal growth of the Automobile Industry in India; the sheer brilliance of his outstanding accomplishments and entrepreneurial skills that has set an example to the Indian Industry and inspired young minds along with Padma Bhushan Dr. M.K. Mani who was from 1953 batch in MCC, is the Chief Nephrologist of the Apollo Hospitals in recognition of being the pioneer of Nephrology in India, his passion for teaching, outstanding academic achievements, his strong ethical stand in the practice of medicine, for his heart of service at the community level in preventing chronic renal failure and for the inspiration he is to his fellowmen.


Addressing the event Mr. Krishna said “To give a job to anyone it’s not necessary to start an industry or factory, it can be done by starting a tea shop too,” He believes that when you start any venture you need people ’s help which automatically provides job opportunities to others.

The award was presented by Mr. K. M. Mammen, President, MCC Alumni Association during the program in the presence of MCC Principal Dr. RW Alexander Jesudasan, MCC Alumni Association Secretary Selvaraj, Vice President N.R. Krishnamurthi Raja.

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