Teachers are ambassadors of innovation: Education Minister
An innovative teacher is always trying to make his/her teaching or instruction approach in such a way to motivate students to learn. An innovative teacher uses new ways and ideas to keep the subject interesting and challenging to keep the students on task. Nurturing young school students on problem-solving and critical thinking tasks is very important for their future. New Education Policy has also set down huge emphasis on promoting out-of-the-box thinking amongst students. To achieve this goal, the role of teachers becomes highly significant.
On Friday, July 16, in the launch event of the ‘School innovation Ambassador training program,’ Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said “In our lives the biggest authority are teachers. To prepare our students for the future, we aim is to make our teachers, change agents, and ambassadors of innovation. The teachers and students who will benefit from this program will easily solve the future problems.”
The program has been launched for 50,00 school teachers. Through this program, the CBSE aims to train or guide 50,000 teachers – two or three teachers per school – from all affiliated schools as ‘Innovation Ambassador’. The board has asked different schools to nominate four or five teachers for the program. To enhance the mentoring capacity of teachers for nurturing innovative ideas for students to prepare them for the future, the Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE), in collaboration with the Education Ministry’s Innovation cell and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), has announced the ‘Innovation Ambassador – Online Teaching Program’.