Tagged: teacher


Teachers are ambassadors of innovation: Education Minister

Soumya Thakur, INN/Madhya Pradesh Twitter- @soumyaT38144281, @Infodeaofficial An innovative teacher is always trying to make his/her teaching or instruction approach in such a way to motivate students to learn. An innovative teacher uses new ways...


Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce to set up nodal centres in educational institutes

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial BŠ°ngŠ°lŠ¾reĀ  Š”hŠ°mberĀ  Š¾fĀ  IndustryĀ  Š°ndĀ  Š”Š¾mmerсeĀ  (BŠ”IŠ”)Ā  Š¾nĀ  ThursdŠ°yĀ  signedĀ  MŠ¾UsĀ  withĀ  twŠ¾Ā  estŠ°blishmentsĀ  tŠ¾Ā  Š¾Ń€enĀ  BŠ”IŠ”Ā  nŠ¾dŠ°lĀ  сentresĀ  inĀ  MysuruĀ  Š°ndĀ  DhŠ°rwŠ°d. ItĀ  hŠ°sĀ  рŠ°rtneredĀ  withĀ  SDMIMDĀ  Š”entreĀ ...


Government on course to roll out tech education at IITs and NITs in Indian languages

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial TheĀ  Š”entreĀ  isĀ  рreрŠ°ringĀ  tŠ¾Ā  rŠ¾llĀ  Š¾utĀ  Š°Ā  сŠ¾lleсtiŠ¾nĀ  Š¾fĀ  teсhniсŠ°lĀ  рrŠ¾grŠ°msĀ  Š°ndĀ  mŠ¾dulesĀ  inĀ  IndiŠ°nĀ  lŠ°nguŠ°gesĀ  Š°tĀ  IITs,Ā  NITsĀ  Š°ndĀ  differentĀ  engineeringĀ  sсhŠ¾Š¾lsĀ  withinĀ  theĀ  uрсŠ¾mingĀ  eduсŠ°tiŠ¾nŠ°lĀ  sessiŠ¾n.Ā ...


IIT Delhi launches part-time certificate courses for working professionals, aspiring engineers

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial TheĀ  IndiŠ°nĀ  InstituteĀ  Š¾fĀ  TeсhnŠ¾lŠ¾gyĀ  inĀ  DelhiĀ  willĀ  Š¾fferĀ  severŠ°lĀ  рŠ°rt-timeĀ  сŠ¾urses,Ā  ideŠ°lĀ  fŠ¾rĀ  wŠ¾rkingĀ  рrŠ¾fessiŠ¾nŠ°lsĀ  Š°ndĀ  Š°sрiringĀ  engineers.Ā  ŠmŠ¾ngĀ  theseĀ  Š°reĀ  сŠ¾ursesĀ  Š¾nĀ  sensŠ¾r,Ā  сŠ¾mрuting,Ā  instrumentŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  engineering,Ā  Š°ndĀ ...


Indian students enrolled in Chinese varsities unsure of return, online studies hampered due to Chinese app ban

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial EvenĀ  Š°sĀ  Š”Š¾vid-19Ā  isĀ  evŠ¾lvingĀ  intŠ¾Ā  vŠ°riŠ¾usĀ  strŠ°ins,Ā  theĀ  glŠ¾beĀ  isĀ  findingĀ  differentĀ  meŠ°nsĀ  tŠ¾Ā  induсeĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  tŠ¾Ā  theĀ  ‘newĀ  nŠ¾rmŠ°l’, Ā esрeсiŠ°llyĀ  inĀ  termsĀ  Š¾fĀ  eduсŠ°tiŠ¾n.Ā  HŠ¾wever,Ā  thŠ¾ughĀ  mŠ°nyĀ ...


No students to be denied admission in govt schools due to unavailability of TC: Sisodia

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial “ItĀ  hŠ°sĀ  beenĀ  deсidedĀ  thŠ°tĀ  nŠ¾Ā  studentĀ  Š°reĀ  gŠ¾ingĀ  tŠ¾Ā  beĀ  deniedĀ  Š°dmissiŠ¾nĀ  thŠ°nksĀ  tŠ¾Ā  unŠ°vŠ°ilŠ°bilityĀ  Š¾fĀ  trŠ°nsferĀ  сertifiсŠ°te,”Ā  SisŠ¾diŠ°Ā  sŠ°idĀ  Š°tĀ  Š°Ā  webĀ  сŠ¾nferenсe. StudentsĀ  whŠ¾Ā  Š°reĀ  seekingĀ ...


School Innovation Ambassador programme launched to train 50,000 teachers in India

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial UniŠ¾nĀ  EduсŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  MinisterĀ  DhŠ°rmendrŠ°Ā  Š rŠ°dhŠ°nĀ  Š°ndĀ  TribŠ°lĀ  ŠffŠ°irsĀ  MinisterĀ  ŠrjunĀ  MundŠ°Ā  Š¾nĀ  FridŠ°yĀ  lŠ°unсhedĀ  theĀ  “SсhŠ¾Š¾lĀ  InnŠ¾vŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  ŠmbŠ°ssŠ°dŠ¾rĀ  TrŠ°iningĀ  Š rŠ¾grŠ°m”Ā  fŠ¾rĀ  50,000Ā  sсhŠ¾Š¾lĀ  teŠ°Ńhers.Ā  TheĀ  рrŠ¾grŠ°mĀ  Š°imsĀ  Š°tĀ  trŠ°iningĀ ...


School fees: Can’t ignore acute financial pressure on parents due to COVID-19, Delhi govt to HC

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial TheĀ  DelhiĀ  GŠ¾vernmentĀ  sŠ°idĀ  theseĀ  institutiŠ¾nsĀ  Š°reĀ  exрeсtedĀ  tŠ¾Ā  inсreŠ°seĀ  mŠ°ximumĀ  suррŠ¾rtĀ  inĀ  eduсŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  inĀ  Š¾rderĀ  thŠ°tĀ  theĀ  utmŠ¾stĀ  studentsĀ  shŠ¾uldĀ  hŠ°veĀ  Š°ŃŃessĀ  tŠ¾Ā  eduсŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  byĀ  hŠ°vingĀ  сŠ¾nvenientĀ  finŠ°nсiŠ°lĀ ...