Tagged: hospital


Parties should not play politics on Covid-19: Mansukh Mandavia

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial Heаlth  Minister  Mаnsukh  Mаndаviа  emрhаsized  in  Tuesdаy’s  Rаjyа  Sаbhа  thаt  роlitiсаl  раrties  аnd  stаte  gоvernments  mustn’t  bring  роlitiсs  tо  the  fight  аgаinst  the  Соvid-19  раndemiс,  whiсh  саn  hаve  а ...


Career As a Doctor

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial The known gods on earth also known as Doctors. The field is so diversified that there are many different types of courses and takes a very long time and practice...



Pranshi Ladha, INN/ Madhya Pradesh @PranshiLadha, @Infodeaofficial Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (HIMSR) located in Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi, means to facilitate its degree in life sciences and health areas and give brilliant...


Government Plans $6.8 Billion Program To Boost Health Infrastructure

Anubhuti Pradhan, INN/Madhya Pradesh Twitter-@anubhutipradhan @Infodeaofficial India is considering contributing about 6.8 billion dollars of credit incentives to boost health care infrastructure in the country. The nation is hit by the coronavirus pandemic severely, according...


Dr Bishnu Prasad Nanda takes over as DG RHS Railway Board

INN/New Delhi, @infodeaofficial Dr. Bishnu Prasad Nanda has taken over as Director General Railway Health Services(DG RHS) Railway Board. He has joined the apex post of the Health Department in the Railway Board. Prior to this, Dr. B...


84th Amavasya Anadhanam

INN/Chennai, @infodeaofficial The 84th Amavasya Anadhanam was a great success. With the support of the organizing group and the individual participants, the gesture to help the needy was fulfilled. The group and the participants went...


Robot nurses to take care of COVID 19 patients

INN/Chennai, @Infodeaofficial The state government has found a unique way to keep the control of Corona positive cases increasing in Tamil Nadu. The state government is emphasizing, that at least human touch should be given...