Lockdown: A blessing in disguise
Ayushi Sharma,INN/Gwalior, @Infodeaofficial
With daily update in statistics of infected and deaths that keeps on increasing day by day due to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic which has created a massive disturbance and a situation of shutdown not only in a particular area and region of a country but all over the world. This has not just impacted our professional lives but had also impact on lifestyle habits of individuals.
“Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or objects that have the virus on it and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth. And the spread of coronavirus can be avoided by maintaining proper hygiene and social distancing”
These are the basic guidelines we come across about Coronavirus or COVID19 but does that mean we need to follow them and put ourselves on a complete shutdown mode? Though it is a tough situation which we all are facing nowadays but that doesn’t mean we just need to stop all over daily routine practices and push ourselves towards other diseases or health problems be it physical or mental while protecting from one.
While being inside our homes in the lockdown situation can be boring or frustrating at times but we can still try some of the following measures and utilize the quarantine in the best way possible.
Routine Exercise: we all know the importance of being fit in today’s world with so many disease and workout doesn’t mean sweating while gyming or jogging outdoors but also keeping ourselves fit with daily exercising at homes like push-ups, crunches or power dance for an hour or so can help our body to stay fit and active.
Learn something new: we have always come across the phrase ‘learning is a lifetime process’ so why not now? We in the lockdown situation can learn some new skills which we always wanted to acquire, to play. It can be anything ranging from a language or an instrument or
Find a genre for yourself: Reading a book or watching a movie of your favorite genre will definitely help you in making your day be it horror, romantic thriller, comic, etc.
Writing a novel or a journal: why just to read the book when you can write it yourself? Try to write a novel or maintain a journal with ideas and thought of your own. How about making a to-do list after the quarantine?
Time to inculcate some new hobbies all of s once in our life had always thought of doing activities like cooking, gardening, sketching, painting, etc but haven’t given a try so it’s the perfect time to try it and explore about our hidden potentials.
Meditation or yoga: just like our physical fitness our brain also needs to be fit for wellbeing
Best Out of Waste: check your storeroom and pick some old waste materials and try to use your creative approach to make something new by Recycling or upcycling them.
Simplify and organise your life: we always have things around us which we have but never used it or does not want to use it further so simply remove them and rearrange your cupboard clothes from your wardrobe, drawer, desk, books of your study or utensils of your kitchen shelves.
Time for a makeover: it’s time to show some love for you. Try to give yourself a makeover by doing simple stuffs like self-hygiene, a shave or a massage or maybe a nail art.
Invest some time for family: We always complain about not having sufficient time to spend with over family or talk to our sibling because of over busy life schedules so this is the perfect time for all of us to spend with our loved ones by staying at homes and cherishing old memories and creating new in fact why only parents? We can be social butterflies {but only on phones} with the advancements of technology via video calls, texts we can connect to each and every person to whom we couldn’t keep in touch since a long time.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your phones and enjoy the quarantine!!!