Innovation has no end at ICF
While the MEMU can travel at a speed of 110 kmph, flexible solar panels of 3.6 kw capacity is fit on one of the coaches.
S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @svs037
MEMU with greater carrying capacity rolled out
Innovation has no limits as far as Integral Coach Factory (ICF) is concerned. Limelight stormed this prestigious organisation recently when semi-highspeed Train 18 was rolled out. Soon after that, the rail coach making organisation brought out Mainline Electrical Multiple Unit (MEMU) with greater passenger carrying capacity.
This train has features namely underslung equipment, new generation bogies, seamless connection from end to end of a train with interconnecting sealed gangways much like its predecessor (Train 18). According to sources from ICF, the train has 12 cars which are completely air-conditioned including driving cabs.
The train has higher acceleration and deceleration due to 50 percent powering (6 out of 12 cars are motorized) unlike the on-board AC EMU presently running in Mumbai which has 33 percent powering (4 out of 12 cars are motorized).
This would mean that this new train would take lesser time between stops and would compensate the time lost in automatic door closing and opening. It is expected that the new AC EMU would fully meet the demands of mega metro transportation systems like the Mumbai sub-urban.
While the MEMU can travel at a speed of 110 kmph, flexible solar panels of 3.6 kw capacity is fit on one of the coaches. These panels are not that heavy as the ones that were fit earlier and they do not add to air resistance.
This is done on an experimental basis to power the fans and lights in one coach, this would be proliferated, based on the feedback. The sidewalls of this train are straight and the body of this train is made of stainless steel. The interior panel finish is screwless, the luggage racks are sleek, the gangways are sealed and are wider.
GPS based passenger information system and announcement system, passenger talkback and emergency alarm, regenerative brakes with 35 percent energy saving are other features of the MEMU.