Indian Railways declares results
Second stage of exam in December
S. Vishnu Sharma, INN/Chennai, @svs037
There is a happy news on the railway front. About 5,88,605 candidates have qualified in the first stage of the exam held by Indian Railways to recruit assistant loco-pilots and technicians.
Sources from the railways said about 36,47,541 candidates appeared for the first stage of the exam that was held from 9 August to 4 September across 440 centres in this country in online mode. The results for the first stage of the exam were published on November 2, said railway sources.
Candidates who appeared in the Computer Based Tests and indicated the RRB of their choice can view their individual score by logging in through the link provided in the official website of the RRB they have opted for. The candidates can also access the Master Question Paper of their shift of examination along with the final key of the answers. The cut-off marks for all the notified posts are also available on the website.
The candidates who have qualified in the first stage will be required to attend the 2nd stage examination scheduled from 12 to 14 December, this year. The candidates can download their examination city intimation 10 days prior to the actual day of the examination.
E-call letter will be available 4 days prior to the examination date. Candidates will be informed to download their E-call letter through SMS, e-mail and also notice on the website of RRB.