Students should think big and dream bigger : Arun Jain
MNM Jain Engineering College celebrates 19th Graduation Day
By Infodea News Network (INN), Chennai;
Students should think big and dream bigger, learn from mistakes and improve their quality of life stated as life is full of challenges as well as opportunities. Congratulating all the graduands for beginning a new chapter in life Chief Guest Arun Jain, Chairman & Managing Director at Intellect Design Arena Limited, Polaris Consulting Services Ltd advised students to have self – belief and explained the concept of “Darshan, Charitra & Gyan”. He advised the graduates to set a futuristic goal and set a path to pursue the goal. A total of 468 graduates with 20 university ranks from the department of Civil, CSE, EEE, ECE, MECH, IT and MBA were conferred with their degrees.
This was occasion of 19th Graduation day of Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College (MNM Jain Engineering College) which was held recently in the college premises. The Chairman M. Lalchand Munoth initiated the function. Dr. C. Chandrasekar Christopher, Principal, Misrimal Navajee Munoth Jain Engineering College welcomed the gathering and delivered the college report. Dr. Harish L Mehta, Secretary: Administration, L. Jaswant Munoth Secretary: Academic and members of the Tamil Nadu Educational and Medical Trust were also present.