INN/Chennai, @infodeaofficial
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr Rangarajan Dr Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai, celebrated its 14th Convocation Day in its North Campus, Convention Hall. Col. Prof. Vel Shri Dr. R. Rangarajan, Founder Chairman and President of Vel Tech University and Vel Group of Institutions, addresses the ceremony. There were 581 graduands, among them are 26 graduates who bagged the University’s Ranks from various Departments. Nearly 564 UG and 17 PG graduands were graduated.
Foundress President & Vice Chairman, Dr Mrs Sakunthala Rangarajan, Chairperson & Managing Trustee, Mrs Rangarajan Mahalakshmi Kishore, Vice President, Shri K.V.D.Kishore Kumar also presided over the function. Dr Mrs Sakunthala Rangarajan, declared the 14th Graduation Day Open.
Dr. V. Rajamani, Principal, welcomed the gathering. In his welcome address, he appreciated the hard work and effort put in by the graduates and their parents. He stated that the objective of Vel Tech, the City of Education, is to generate self sufficient employees. It has been accredited by NBA for the Departments of BME, CSE, ECE, EEE, IT and MECH . It Stands amongst the Top 200 institutions ( 150-200 band) in the nation in NIRF India ranking for 2 consecutive years, both in 2017 and 2018. Vel Tech Multi Tech has NAAC Accredited with ‘A’ grade and stood No.1 amongst Anna University affiliated colleges in Tamil Nadu in the year 2016, with an impressive score of 3.49/4.0. The Institution is ranked 19th amongst 497 Colleges of Anna University in the university results released in 2017-18. It was awarded the 1st prize by the AICTE-CII as the Best Institute-Industry Linked Institute in the nation in the year 2014 and in the year 2015. Therefore winning the title twice in a row for the outstanding performance in catering to the needs of the Industry, linking its academic curriculum and for the best innovative practices in collaboration with the industry.
The Institution has produced 80% results in the Apr-May 2018 examinations, It has 200+ Patents Filed, 1000+ Scopus Publications and more than 1500+ Publications in Peer Review Indexed Journals. It is consistently maintaining 80% placement track record consecutively for the last 3 years with more than 500+ companies visiting the campus for recruitments. Various departments of this institution are engaged in R&D activities which were also funded by various agencies.
In Dr. V. Rajamani address, he highlighted some of the achievements of the institution and all branches of study are permanently affiliated by Anna University and is SIRO recognized, DST – FIST sponsored and also an approved Cambridge ESOL Examination.
Chairperson and Managing Trustee Dr. Mrs. Rangarajan Mahalakshmi Kishore introduced the Chief Guest, Prof Dr.M.K.Surappa, Vice Chancellor, Anna University, Chennai. He joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1970 and received BE degree in Metallurgy in 1973, M.S and Ph.D degree from the faculty of Engineering in 1976 and 1980 respectively. He joined then the newly established Regional Laboratory, Trivandrum in 1979 as senior scientist and worked for two years. During 1981-87, he was the Research Associate/Engineer at Drexel University (USA), Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge (UK) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland). He returned to the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, as an Assistant Professor in 1987 and rose to the position of Professor in 1998. He was the Honorary Secretary of Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology during 2004-09. He was a visiting Professor to Sir M. Visveswaraya Chair, University of Mysore (2003-04). He served as the Founder Director of Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar, for a period of six years (2009-15). He also served as Dean, Faculty of Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science during the year 2016-2017. He assumed the post of Vice Chancellor of Anna University on 12th April 2018. He is also the Honorary Professor at the Indian Institute of Science.
Prof Dr.M.K.Surappa began his convocation address by appreciating the management for the institution’s successful growth. He spoke about the present economical growth in India and the need to take up challenges in confronting our global competitors for further enhancement of the nation. He motivated the graduands to be more determined and creative enough to take up challenges with a quote, “To accomplish the impossible, you must first begin with the possible”. He did call attention towards being humane and socially responsible. He congratulated the management for their contribution to the society through quality education. Finally, Prof Dr.M.K.Surappa mentioned this as the golden era of India wherein the young minds should take up opportunities to drive.. MAKE IN INDIA an initiative truly possible.