Daily Archive: June 25, 2020


Benefits of Indian Cuisine

  Yash Sapra, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial Indian cuisine has always been known due to its huge cuisine variety and mouthwatering taste apart from it its Ayurveda and other health factors make it more beneficial for an...


What should be included in a fashion magazine?

Riya Yadav, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial From designing striking, creative magazine covers to putting together contents pages that pack a punch, we share ten fantastic tips for breathing life into your template designs. Whether you’re creating a...


5 Virtual Pride 2020 Events to Attend While Social Distancing

Riya Yadav, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial For the last 50 years, the month of June has been dedicated to celebrating the LGBTQ+ community including those queerest populations: homeless youth, POC, transgender individuals. Here are 5 solid ways...