Sports should develop in every State

By- Faisal Maqbool, INN/J&K, @Infodeaofficial

Sports in current times need players of great strength to overcome the physical and mental fatigue. Training sessions, nutritious diet and abstaining from drugs and alcohol are prerequisites. With the latest trends, youth develop the sense of sportsmanship thanks to its rapid expansion, talent pool, advanced gear and detailed infrastructure. With the modern facilities, youth are taken to sports in a whole new manner and playing a positive role in shaping youth.

Youth are absorbing themselves with games rather than wandering from place to place by wasting their energy which is a positive sign and more needs to be done touching every nook and corner of the country but unfortunately the scenario is otherwise. Youth are pursuing sports as a career choice in addition to completing a PhD in Sports Management and various jobs. 

The Entertainment industry is not far behind in embracing sports. Entertainment in the form of movies, music, interviews and special programmes are of highest standards attracting youngsters.

Media and Entertainment also provide opportunities for youth to interact with their favourite sports person or superstar which is a huge morale boost for their careers.

Psychiatrists believe that such interactions help shape the behaviour of youth and develop their personality.

Sports also instil in them the spirit of task completion keeping their enthusiasm level up. It is with the dint of this enthusiasm which keep youth chasing after their dreams and also serves as a catalyst in fuelling their performance like their idols.

In education front, various schools and colleges offer sports as a discipline so that the niche section of the population also gets an opportunity to learn sports at the academic level. On the positive side, schools and colleges are at the forefront in providing basic knowledge to the budding youths who are selected on merit to earn requisite knowledge about the said subject and represent their institutions in various sporting events.

These institutions act as breeding places for future sports persons at preliminary level. Various bachelor courses on sports are pursued by youngsters taking it further to the university level. At this stage they get knowledge about sports at theoretically to study different prospects of the game and gets acquainted with all the essential material which require and shape them at highest level.

While these are accessible to some the others are largely deprived of most of the essentials. Bridging this gap is the need of the hour to develop youth in the right direction. Upon course completion other career prospects include coaching and physio at different levels by earning internships at different institutes or clubs which provide know-how as a speciality.

One institute is the esteemed NIS (National Institute of Sports, Patiala, Punjab) where sports lovers get opportunities to showcase their talent to earn rewards. But unfortunately, some parts of the country lags behind in such infrastructure. Similar is the case with Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir) which lacks such premiere agency at  the behest yet the SSC (State Sports Council) takes care of the sports activities.

While the society is changing, parents are still reluctant to allow their wards pursue sports as a profession. The support of parents, teachers and friends play a very important role in shaping the future of youth. The support from home is the biggest strength to help youth in realising their dreams and make their families and nation proud.


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