Coast Guard conducts quiz competition
For commemorating 43rd Raising Day

S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @svs037
Students got a chance to prove their mettle again, thanks to Indian Coast Guard. The quiz competition conducted by Coast Guard onboard Coast Guard Ship Sagar saw students from 22 schools in Chennai vie with each other to win the prize.
Kendriya Vidyalaya at Avadi emerged the winner, Sri Sankara Secondary School stood runner up (first) and second runner up was Balavidya Mandir. Winners received prizes from the Kalakshetra Foundation director Revathi Ramachandran. Coast Guard Region (East) commander Inspector General S Paramesh praised the winners.
The competition was held to commemorate 43rd Raising Day of Indian Coast Guard and various events were held for the populace of Chennai to mark the occasion.
Quiz aimed to test general awareness, current world affairs, scientific temperament and inquisitiveness among the students, as well as to showcase Indian Coast Guard as a career option to the next generation youth of this country.