New GM for ICF

S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @svs037
General Manager of South Western Railway Ajay Kumar Singh has taken over additional charge as general manager of Integral Coach Factory (ICF) on January 1.
According to sources, he took the additional charge upon retirement of S Mani, his predecessor. He will be holding the charge till further orders. Ajay Kumar Singh was born on 21 March 1961, he is a graduate in mechanical engineering from AMIE (India) under Special Class Railway Apprentices Scheme/Jamalpur. He joined Indian Railway on 5 March 1983.
An Officer of 1981 batch of Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineering (IRSME), Singh has held various important posts on Indian Railways, such as Principal Chief Mechanical Engineer in North Eastern Railway/Gorakhpur, Chief Workshops Engineer and Chief Motive Power Engineer in North Eastern Railway/Gorakhpur. Divisional Railway Manager of Jabalpur Division of West Central Railway, Chief Mechanical Engineer/Planning in North Frontier Railway/Guwahati, Chief Workshop Manager of Workshop of North Central Railway at Jhansi and also as a Officer on Special Duty at Southern Railway, Chennai.
Ajay Kumar Singh has undergone training for senior managers at Carnegie Mellon University in USA and Computerized Measuring Machines in Germany.