Media policy, the need of the hour
S.Ganesh, INN/Chennai, @Infodeaofficial
Media policy says how media of a country would function and it is essential in today’s society although we may a have free media. Economic social or political considerations play important role in decision of a media policy and it is very relevant to India also. Government had media policy of some sort during AB Vajpayee regime and even state governments led by M. Karunanidhi had some orientation toward media some time ago. This will apply also even if DMK led by Stalin is voted to power and even if he becomes CM. This shows some kind of orientation parties have toward media and media policy of PM Modi is yet to take of.
Media policy will have important role in media structure and governance and it will guide media to its proper place in society. Media need not or should not take sides and report properly and it should not be guided by right wing or left wing ideologies and present proper picture on current situation in society. On many crucial cases as Rajiv Gandhi assassination media in India on whole need fresh assessment and it need to re examine its report without being right or left.
With emergence of market driven models in eastern bloc media report accurate scenario and the fact that safe guards majority’s welfare in a proper perspective as for as possible. Media in India are deeply ideological and report old colonial mindset and need to get away from it to be free to do justice to majority and people on whole. India has made progress greatly in education science and technology and industry and industry hero as Azim Premji and his Wipro need exposure also.
Science and technology has advanced in the west and is benefitting mankind generally and development roles as communicating science and technology news to common man and how it can empower him well need more in media. An example is availability of cool drinks at cheaper today in any town in India and any one can consume it more consumer news and consumer products availability on foods common man can buy to be told in media. Media need not look at ideologies or where is it from but look at how best it can serve majority well. Advertising may sound boring or unreal but some government schemes or policies can benefit majority if it is told in their languages. Modernization is difficult to avoid and it has its price to pay but right kind of modernization benefitting majority or most of nation should take place in India and alien cultures and alien technologies need abandonment.
Many undesirable effects as cancer disease may come to affect people if we abandon ancient wisdom and culture and we may not such modernization after all. Technology is to suit people and subcontinent and its inhabitants and should not be like ghosts that threaten majority. The Ghosts in modernization is very difficult to get away from it and right products to get to right people at right time. Media policy need to reflect true aspiration of its people and should at anytime do good to all or most and not just to select few. In fact it can be like a drink available in a shop anyone can buy and consume it. Bad practices and bad aspects of modernization is to be resisted and right will find its way properly in our society
Private of all types and especially good needs encouragement as it has been done in the past by central and state rulers. What media need to do is to set agenda focus people’s attention on it and take debate for healthy and harmonious society In today’s India media freedom is not in reporting what some one has rightly said but what is right and beneficial to all or majority and take discussion on it from there. We don’t want dystopian or utopian media on society but a media in tune to meeting people’s aspirations and just causes without siding with anyone.
We need a media policy on these lines in today’s India and the world.