What we expect? What we get?

Muskan Agarwal, INN/Gwalior, @Infodeaofficial

Almost everyone of us at some point of our life has come across this situation where we went through heartbreak just because we expected something, but things didn’t turn out accordingly. 

Also, when we come across someone or something and we quickly form some conclusion about them. Later on, reality turns out to be something else. And we repent for conclusions formed in a haste.  Now in both the above cases, whose the person to be blamed for the unpleasant situation that got created. 

Is it the person who just showcased their true self or is it us who just wanted the other person to act in a certain manner which only we knew about, depriving the other person’s freedom of having a different point of view.

The answer is expectations and assumptions. They put us into trouble as they motivate us to do everything overlooking the fact that things may not turn as we desire. 

That is not all, we also perhaps lack patience and do not have it in us to understand others and coordinate with them. This is becoming increasingly visible in today’s world.

There’s a story of a great painter, one day he just kept one of his painting by the
roadside with a note that ‘put a dot wherever you find a mistake’, and the next day when he returned, he found that the whole painting was covered with dots, he felt dejected. Not a soul was interested in appreciating the artist’s work. None bothered to take a look into how hard it was for the painter to come out with the artwork.

But his master asked him to display the same painting at the same place with a different note ‘Rectify the mistake wherever spotted’ and the next day when he returned he was surprised that the painting was kept as it is there, not even a single change was made to it by anyone.

When the artman was expecting some encouragement from the people none came forward to give it. They showed him the mistakes he had done. Perhaps if the artman was willing to look overlook the expectations he had from others, he would not have ended up disappointed. Someone else’s expectations or assumptions are not a key to our fortune. It is our deeds that make shape us. 
Had the artist focused on his efforts, he would have accomplished many things. 

Art man was just a story, but he is there in everyone of us who have their own assumptions and expectations and want all the things to turn out according to them. So lets just stop having  expectations and frequent assumptions and accept people just the way they are and thus making everyone realize their own value. Do your deed, let the divine dispose its fruits. This viewpoint often becomes source of trouble for many of us. 

So thus, its always easy to point the other peoples mistake but it doesn’t feel the same when we ourselves are placed in the same situation. So lets just stop having solid expectations and frequent assumptions and accept people just the way they are and thus making everyone realize their own value.

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