BPO centre for Visually challenged opened in Chennai
Vision in line with helping people live better lives
By- INN/Chennai, @Infodeaofficial
The Amway-IAB BPO training center for the visually impaired was inaugurated by Tamilnadu Minister for Industries, Steel Control and Special Initiatives M C Sampath in Chennai recently.
Amway India partnered with Indian Association for the Blind (IAB) to establish this training centre which will work towards imparting skills to visually impaired that can help them carve out their career in the BPO sector.
Minister M C Sampath said it is a pleasure to be a part of such a noble cause. I wish Amway India and IAB all the success in their endeavor to help the differently abled in empowering themselves to achieve economic independence. Such noble work is always worth encouraging.

Gursharan Cheema, Senior Vice President (north and south) Amway India said at Amway they firmly believe that disability is just a mindset and with appropriate support, people with any kind of disability but a strong will have the ability to pursue meaningful careers.
We have set up the training center with this vision. The center will be working towards uplifting and mentoring the visually impaired besides developing skills so that they can have an equally enriching life and are not left out.
Amway is committed to igniting the entrepreneurial spirit and providing growth opportunities to all, especially the deprived section of the society.
Besides the BPO training center, Amway in association with IAB has also set up a computer training center and Braille Audio library to support the education of the visually impaired in Tamil Nadu, he said. Abdul Raheem, Vice President, Indian Association for the Blind said nothing is impossible for visually impaired to achieve.
When equal opportunities are given to them, they are ready to prove themselves and compete with the mainstream.
With supporters like Amway, we are able to provide facilities and opportunities to our students to recognize their ability and support them to achieve success in their endeavor to become economically independent, he said.
The new BPO training center in Chennai will allow visually impaired students to gain hands-on training in voice and non-voice processes and further employment opportunities.
This center has a capacity to skill over 60 visually impaired students in a year and is the second one. The first one was established in Madurai.
The centre in Madurai commenced in 2013 with over 30 seats, more than 300 visually impaired students have been skilled so far at the Amway-IAB BPO training center and close to 70 percent of the students have been placed either in-house or have been employed in the government or the private sector.
Today, this center in Madurai has a capacity to skill over 120 students a year. With the acquisition of few business processes, this center in Madurai also provides employment to over 80 differently abled individuals.
Amway India has undertaken various other initiatives to support the cause of visually impaired as part of the National Project for the Visually Impaired.
Amway has supported more than 85000 visually impaired students with braille textbooks across 12 States. Amway also provides computer training to the visually impaired, and so far, has set-up 18 computer centers across the country.
Beyond this, Amway has launched a travel and tourism course in Kolkata, set up a BPO training center in Madurai and music academies for the visually impaired in Chandigarh, Raipur and Guwahati.
Amway’s commitment to educating the visually-impaired also led Amway to launch an Android-based application ‘Accessible Reader,’ which leverages available text-to-speech engines and makes it convenient for the visually impaired to read digital documents. Amway has also taken up the initiative of digitizing educational material of various central universities and national institutes.