Nobel laureate gives a clarion call for eradicating child labour


S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @Svs037

It is upon all of us to set foot against child labour, said nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi. He was at SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST) on August 5.Ā 

‘I invite the students and teachers to join the 100 Million Campaign to do away child labour and slavery.’ SRMIST must be the first Indian University to lead the 100 Million Campaign through which one can bring social transformation, said Satyarthi, the founder of 100 Million Campaign.

Addressing the students nobel prize winner said ‘students can be the drivers of Change. ‘You my young friends, change is not outside, it is inside you. You are the change.’Ā ‘Students can play a larger role when it comes to declaring a war on child labour. You can challenge companies using child labour in their supply chain.’

Be a good volunteer, write small blogs and use social media skills for betterment of humanity, he said. ‘SRMIST students should be known in the country asĀ change makers and transformers. You are the real heroes, not cinema actors who getĀ paid for acting good and touching their motherā€™s feet.’Ā 


He was prepared to open an office on the SRMIST premises, to give more strength to the movement of making childrens’ lives better, this will be third office after London and New Delhi.

SRMIST president Dr. P Satyanarayanan striking a simile with Abraham Lincoln said, while the famed president of America worked for the upliftment of black people, Satyarthi is working for childrens betterment.Ā 

‘Satyarthi has asked you and SRMIST to be part of his mission of 100 Million Campaign by which he means that 100 million students can change the lives of 100 million children who are not in schools and are deprived of childhood and freedom.’Ā SRMIST vice chancellor Sandeep Sancheti welcomed the gathering. SRMIST pro-vice chancellor T P Ganesan was among those present.

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