ICG propagates fitness to mark its 44th Raising Day

S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @Svs037

Indian Coast Guard will organise ‘Coast Guard Fitness Challenge’ on 8 December at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) premises in Chennai.

Sources from the organisation say the fitness challenge is being organised to mark its 44th Raising Day which is celebrated on 1 February next year.

The event is intended to test the fitness capability of participants and expose them to adventure and sports activities for one day.

The event is open for participation in five categories such as college, corporate clubs, armed forces and individual, group of five. The competition will be conducted in team format and each team should consist of five members.

The team members will perform the tasks designed in respective modules. The top three teams in each category in each event would be facilitated with a trophy and monetary prizes.

The programme is conducted in association with F-45 and Decathalon. A workshop on yoga, Kalari, Silambam, Nutritious lifestyle and Zoomba is also scheduled to be held on the same day.

The event would provide a platform for people from all walks of life to experience sports and fitness activities for one full day. For registration and further details any one can contact at ‘indiancoastguardfitness2@gmail.com‘ or WhatsApp at 9446559680,9445064064 and 7352188201.

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