ShaKala Utsav’19

Shreya Jain, INN/chennai, @shreyaj44299583

We should take the liberty of the present circumstances and try our best to achieve better life for ourselves” said Mr. Vineet Radhakrishnan, actor on Thursday said that at the inauguration of ‘Shakala Utsav 19-Sarit Samarshanam’ at the Kamaraj Arangam, the actor also that if we do not take the benefit of present circumstances, then someone will take it. Therefore, we should understand the opportunities carefully and take advantage of it. It is on us to indentify whether the opportunity is beneficial for us or not, we should be wise enough to take decisions. On this occasion, music director Rayhahnah said that the young mind should not be lost in the physical world and its materiality. The most important thing is to improve the quality of your life. We must also try to serve our family and others with us.

Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, organized “Shakala Utsav’19 – Sarit Samrakshanam”(Protecting the rivers for life) on Thursday, 31st January 2019 at 10.00 am in Kamarajar Arangam. Ms. Raihanah – Music Composer & Director and Kalaimamani Mr. Vineeth Radhakrishnan – Actor & Dancer were the Chief Guest. Secretary Shri. Abhaya Kumar Jain and Associate Secretary Shri. Ashok Kumar Mehta  graced the occasion. Principal Dr.B.Poorna, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Guests. Around 300 passionate students took part in this grand event.

WhatsApp Image 2019-01-31 at 10.02.19 PM
WhatsApp Image 2019-01-31 at 10.02.20 PM (1)
WhatsApp Image 2019-01-31 at 10.02.20 PM (2)

            The mega event began  with an interesting dramatic presentation on how the Indus Valley Civilization began from River Sindhu, which gave name and fame to our Country. This was followed by a presentation on the significance of all the rivers that flow from North, West, Central India, North East, East and South. Students rhythmically portrayed the importance of River Ganga originating from North to Thamirabarani in the South, including Yamuna, Sabarmathi, Chandrabagha, Narmada, Godavari, Bharahmaputra, Mahanadhi, Krishna, Kauveri, Shimsha, Hemavati, Arkavathy, Kapila, Honnuhole, Tapti, Thungabadra, Kabini, Pampa, Lokapavani, Bhavani, Noyyal and famous Amaravati through Dance, Music and Martial arts. Properties and costumes made by  the  students themselves were an added feather in their creative cap. Their paintings & murals were displayed at the Venue. The unique feature of the display was the mural painting which began with the program and ended along with the program simultaneously. Through their scintillating performance, students created awareness to the fellow students and the public on the necessity of protecting the rivers for our own sustenance.

            Kalaimamani Mr. Vineeth Radhakrishnan – Actor & Dancer, expressed his gratitude for inviting him. He further encouraged the students to make use of the opportunities provided by the Management to achieve great heights in their life. Secretary ,Shri. Abhaya Kumar Jain, appreciated the participants for involving themselves in making Shakala Utsav’19, a grand success. Ms. Raihanah – Music Composer & Director, advised the young minds not to engage themselves only materialistically but to enhance their quality of living naturally. She also appreciated  Shri. Abhaya Kumar Jain, Secretary, for his tremendous efforts to create awareness through this mega event. The Shasun Sakthi Cell Report 2018-19 was presented by Dr. Rajshree Vasudevan, Director, Centre of Excellence for Arts and Culture.


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