Media studies need attention

By; Jai Bhatt,Ā Infodea News Network (INN),Ā Chennai

Media as a subject is inclusive of many fields like reporting, photography, videography, anchoring which requires a good knowledge of current affairs on the part of the media person. As a subject, practical knowledge is much more important than the bookish knowledge, but Media studies lack the purpose as many institutions which offer journalism or media courses deviate from the basic purpose of grooming students to become media persons in the future. While the focus is on classroom studies, practical exposure is not given much importance which leads to a skill gap situation when facing the real world or when they become a part of the industry.

Institutions must impart practical in terms of outdoor assignments, internships so that the media students develop skill sets and awareness before they collect and share information. Media is a field where creativity is most important but unfortunately there are a few institutions in the country where standards are maintained.

The best colleges in Engineering, Management, Law etc have developed ways to train and groom their students as per industry standards but unfortunately, this development still hasnā€™t caught the attention of most of the media institutes in the country.

While classroom studies focus mainly on the history and ethics of media which has not practical relevance, media courses offered by most of the private colleges and universities in the country are doing so just for the sake of being multi-disciplinary.

The need of the hour is to develop Media studies in the country where youngsters can be groomed and trained to be media professionals who can contribute towards society and nation building.

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