Tagged: video games


Over 90% users view gaming as a viable career option in India

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial Аn  inсreаsing  number  оf  users  in  Indiа  аre  viewing  оnline  gаming  аs  а  viаble  саreer  орtiоn.  The  findings  sаid  quite  90%  resроndents  аgreed  thаt  gаming  industry  might  be  а ...


Violence and obscenity-newer look

By S. Ganesh; The portrayal of Violence through the digital medium such as social media has been a curse on the masses, and add to it tv serials and talk shows aired in private channels are...


New Media is here to stay…

by S. Ganesh; So what exactly is New Media? New media most commonly refers to content available on-demand through the Internet, accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative participation. Common examples of new media...