Tagged: online classes


Education and mental health: good reasons to vaccinate children

Soumya Thakur, INN/Madhya Pradesh Twitter- @soumyaT38144281, @Infodeaofficial Vaccination is one of the safest and most beneficial medical interventions. Vaccines have been developed for various diseases and are being used for centuries and some of them...


Indian students enrolled in Chinese varsities unsure of return, online studies hampered due to Chinese app ban

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial Even  аs  Соvid-19  is  evоlving  intо  vаriоus  strаins,  the  glоbe  is  finding  different  meаns  tо  induсe  bасk  tо  the  ‘new  nоrmаl’,  esрeсiаlly  in  terms  оf  eduсаtiоn.  Hоwever,  thоugh  mаny ...


Impact of COVID-19 on Pre-School Students

  Tannu Sehrawat, INN/New Delhi, @infodeaofficial Due to COVID-19, every house is a school and every parent is a teacher. Now the playtime is zero. There is no separation between home time and school time....