Tagged: economy


China’s 3.2% in june as economy rebounds

Yash Sapra, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial China has always been the biggest trade bill in the world resulting in many of the countries being dependent on China even after the disputes the other countries importing products from...


Loss to the Government due to COVID – 19

Yash Sapra, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial Corona has almost shattered the economy and financial condition of almost every country in this globe, but the countries which were already struggling economically and financially have stricken so badly during...


The Textile Industry

Riya Yadav, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial One of the oldest and largest sectors of light industry, producing fabrics, textiles, knitwear, and other articles from various types of plant, animal, and chemical (artificial and synthetic)fiber. The textile industry...


Whom to choose?

Oly Banerjee, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial India being the world’s fastest-growing, one of the largest economies, having outpaced China over the past years, it ranks 39th among the world’s most competitive economies, “The biggest leap for any...


Global summits for global solutions

By S.Ganesh, @infodeaofficial, INN Chennai;   The move of Telangana Government to host global entrepreneur forum hosting captains from the business, industries and commerce sectors from across the world is a welcome measure to boost foreign...