Navy inks pact with Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

MoU aims at fostering academic collaboration and research

 S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @svs037
It was a red letter day of Indian Navy and Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham when they signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance academic research and collaboration on 19 December.
Vice admiral Anil Kumar Chawla, flag officer commanding-in-chief, Southern Naval Command and vice chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham P Venkat Rangan signed the pact on behalf of both the organisations. 
The MoU encompasses fields of mechanical engineering, electronics and communication, computer science and other areas of mutual interest such as bio science, medical and cyber security where academic and research collaboration could be fostered.
Anil Kumar Chawla praised the educational institution for its yeoman service to the field of science and technology. He said there should be more partnerships with academia and armed forces so that new technologies could be worked out to provide solutions to issues bothering the nation. 
Signing of the MoU between will form the foundation for exchange of ideas and development of new technologies in the future, he said. 
Southern Naval Command being the training command of the Indian Navy, focuses on providing quality training to all personnel of the Navy. 
To leverage the potential of external expertise in different technical domains and to nurture a collaborative training model with an aim to provide the trainees with the highest academic standards, the Indian Navy has inked MoUs with institutions of excellence in the country.
The first MoU was signed with Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) in 2002 under which the university recognises the course curriculum of all training establishments and awards M.Tech, MSc, PG Diploma, BSc and Diploma certificates to the trainees on passing out. 
Navy has similar pacts with IITs at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Guwahati, IISc and IIM Bangalore, IISST Thiruvananthapuram, BITs Pilani, DA-IICT Ahmedabad, SVNIT and IIT Gandhinagar, Andhra, Goa and Mumbai Universities, Jawaharlal Nehru University, DIAT Pune and PSG College of Technology Coimbatore for mutual collaboration in professional and technology training, faculty expertise and joint research and development.


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