“Style-us earphone”: The struggle of 3 months and 26 attempts

By: Shrayank Shrivastava, INN, @infodeaofficialChennai;

“Necessity is the mother of all inventions” once said by Plato perfectly fits even in the contemporary era where the fast moving life of humans is the reason for their growing needs and vice-versa.

To fulfill such needs and make lives easy, inventions every now and then are taking place around the globe.

Talking about one such invention of “style-us earphone” by a B. tech student from SRM University Chennai, Shrayank Shrivastava said, “This wasn’t an easy task. After 3 months of sleepless effort and multiple failures, I was finally able to succeed in my 27th attempt.”

While describing the invention to team Infodea, Shrayank stated that the need for different earphones for different occasions was common for him and his friends and that is exactly how he got the idea to develop this electronic device in the first place.

He told that along with all other previous inventions, the techie has got patents for his recent invention too.

Inspired by his father & his words of wisdom & knowledge which prove to be extremely useful for him while implementing it in real time basis, making it a part of his daily life to finding the solution of the problem that needs to be addressed in the very first place, Shrayank has always had an eye and mind working for various inventions like he with help of a friend was able to modify the soft drink vending machine in such a way that whatever amount you press or feed the machine, it will deliver that exact amount of the beverage unlike other machines which pour you with the soft drinks as per their own set quantity.

Playing his hands on the washing machine,  Shrayank along with a friend made the whole process of putting in dirty clothes till putting detergent powder measuring the required amount, easier by fitting and enabling a detergent storage inside the machine to take the detergent as per requirement.

“My family has always supported me and loved me and I am grateful to have such parents who with time have become my strength and guides to lead a life in a direction,” said the Engineer in making.

Apart from technology the B.tech student also loves living his life at the edge and he is also the driver of “ENIGMATIC PLODDER” the national official off-road quadbike team of SRM University which participates in various national completions.

“I want to create a platform for youngsters like me and ease the process of accessing quality research work with all facilities and resources at hand as soon as possible.” Said the star of SRM University who is planning to set up a company of his own where he will carry out research and work on the newer technologies.

The product is under review at multiple manufacturers across the continent and is expected to land in the market in near future.
To be precise the product has taken Chinese manufacturers  by storm.


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