Inter Railway cultural competition held in Chennai

Indian Railways not only knows how to effectively transport people but also show their mettle on the cultural arena. The proof of this was available in Chennai when All India Inter Railway Cultural Competition for music was held on 15 and 16 November.
Southern Railway turned the host for the event which saw a participation of 154 railway personnel from 17 zones and six production units from all over Indian Railways. The competition was conducted in vocal and instrumental categories for the streams of classical music and light music.
The overall winners shield went to Central Railway while the overall runners shield was bagged by Chittaranjan Locomotive Works.
In the category of Classical Music (VOCAL) The Winners were Eastern Railway.
Shri Subhajit Patra, S/o Krishna Patra, Helper, Electrical/E Rly and team won the first place followed by Shri Iman Biswas, Jr Clerk, South Eastern Railway and team who won the second place. Shri Samit Mallick, Office Supdt, Personnel Branch, Northern Railway and team won the third place and Shri B.Prasanth, S/o Shri BVN Rao from Chittaranjan Locomotive Works and team won the fourth place
When it came to the category of light music (vocal) Chittaranjan Locomotive Works (CLW) won the first place. Sohini Singha Majumdar, senior clerk, personnel branch, CLW and team got the first place.

The second prize went to Ayushi Das, daughter of Jaydeb Das, lab superintendent with North East Frontier Railway and team. Poulami Chattopadhyay, daughter of Somnath Chattopadhyay, painter, SSE Office, Purulia Junction and team got the third place.
S Ananth, son of U Sreelakshmi, personal secretary to the Principal Chief Engineer, South Central Railway and team won the fourth place. Prize winners were there in the category of instrumental (classical) too. Railway sources say, Central Railway won the first Place in this category.
Satyendra Singh Solanki, senior clerk, Central Railway and team got the first place. Manoj Jaiswal, accounts clerk, Finance Office, South East Central Railway and team got the second place and Ghure Sainath Mahadeo, junior clerk, Integral Coach Factory and team got the third place and Vipul Pandey, office superintendent, Personnel, North Central Railway and team got the fourth place.
In the category of instrumental (light music) Central Railway won the first place. Abishek Sinha, junior clerk, Central Railway and team won the first place, second place went to Sujoy Basu, Office Supdt, stores, CLW and team. Ravi Kumar Prajapati, track technician, TTC, Diesel Locomotive Works and team won the third place and Rajkumar Majumdar, office superintendent, Signal and Telecom, Delhi, Northern Railway and team won the fourth place.
The winners were judged by eminent artistes namely Prabhanjam S.Balachandran, Srinivasa Rao and Kuldeep Sagar.