Cookie Movie Review – A predictable horror story

Darshana Kathiresan, INN/Chennai,@infodeaofficial

Several horror movies made in our country have ended up falling as low standards. ‘Cookie’ (named after the protagonist) is one such disappointment released in Bollywood.

Revolving around a quick-tempered and crabby teen, ‘Cookie’ (Vibhoutee Sharma) who is the lead, the film is ‘supposed’ to be a horror cum revenge plot.

Born to the busy psychiatrists, Dr. Rajeev Kapoor (Rajeev Gupta) and Dr. Aparna Kapoor (Reena Wadhwa), Cookie always feels insecure about how her parents treat her younger sibling and she seeks complete attention from them.

Her aggressive behavior is a handful and her parents end up bearing her. She continuously takes out her vengeance at her younger sister.

Soon after breaking down with yet another issue, Cookie leaves home and meets her fate. Then the story is followed by a series of paranormal activities, where her soul possesses her mother in order to deal with her life’s resentments (take revenge at people who have wronged Cookie).

The film leaves us with multiple doubts – whether the protagonist is mentally ill, why the strange cop affirms about the afterlife to the parents, etc. There are also a few characters who seem possessed even when they are not.

The several other bizarre theories and the ghost effects (which were not frightening at all) take the film on a dull and predictable ride. There is also a severe lack in the concept of logic, which is quite common in Bollywood level horror plots.

The lead has given an exaggerated, average performance in this unstructured storyline and the parents, especially the father, tend to stick with monotonic sad looks in most parts of the film.

The director (Lalit Marathe) has tried to incorporate various issues into the film, but eventually, these are not properly executed.

 Cookie is a predictable, ‘supposed’ horror movie which could have been a better attempt.

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1 Response

  1. December 13, 2021

    […] “ …skurrile Theorien und die Geistereffekte (die überhaupt nicht beängstigend waren) nehmen den Film auf eine langweilige und vorhersehbare Fahrt. Es gibt auch einen gravierenden Mangel im Konzept der Logik, der in Horror-Plots auf Bollywood-Niveau recht häufig vorkommt. Die Hauptrolle hat in dieser unstrukturierten Handlung eine übertriebene, durchschnittliche Leistung gezeigt und die Eltern, insbesondere der Vater, neigen dazu, in den meisten Teilen des Films bei monotonen traurigen Blicken zu bleiben.“ Infodea […]

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