Germany looks towards India

S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @svs037
The 34th India International Leather Fair has offered lot of prospects in business for India. Foreign players have come in large numbers to take part in the three day mega event of the leather industry, DAGroup of Germany is one of them that is looking big towards India. The company is into offering automation solutions for the leather industry.

We have specialised machines that can be handled automatically. Automatic sewing machine, CNC template machine which can be set to design pre-sewing standardised leather parts are some of our products that already have a presence in India, their latest offering is Qondac Industry solution 4.0.
Using this solution we can connect upto 1500 workplaces and analyse them in realtime. It can also communicate and send instructions to workers at workspots, he said.
We are in discussions with three to four companies who have expressed interest in this solution. Once the solution has takers we can consider expanding it, while they already have dealers for their machines that are used in garment and leather upholstery, textiles, shoe sewing in India. While three percent of their sales is from India currently, the expect about seven percent growth year-over-year in the next few years. Speaking about their future roadmap for India, Thomas said they aim to bring innovative future oriented technology along with Internet of Things to this country.

Carina Mazzucato, special advisor from Government of Germany said they have positive response from exhibitions held in India in the past, we could garner a business around 1 billion USD previously. This time we are expecting to have more business in India, she said.
They are also looking forward to have strategic alliance with Indian companies on the lines of technology transfer and commercial.