Sharpen memory with rosemary and peppermint and Guide to Mint

Riya Yadav, INN/Gwalior, @infodeaofficial

Researchers found that peppermint tea was associated with improved long term memory in study participants, while the aroma of rosemary was associated with better prospective memory (remembering to perform the intended action).

In contrast to the memory-enhancing herb, Lavender was found to diminish memory due to its calming effects, while participants who drank chamomile tea were slower in responding to tasks compared with the peppermint tea drinkers.

Although the research found that adults over the age of 65 benefited the most from the memory-enhancing herbs, researchers say that healthy individuals of any age can still improve their recall abilities by sipping peppermint tea or using rosemary essential oil in their homes.

Your Guide to Mint 

More than just a garnish for desserts, fresh mint is traditionally added to savory dishes in Middle Eastern, Indian, and Italian Cuisines.

The two most common varieties are spearmint which is mild and ideal for cooking, and peppermint which has a sharper flavor and makes excellent tummy soothing tea. When growing mint, always give it its own container as it can push other herbs around when it is planted in close proximity to them.

Peak season: late spring to early summer

How to select: look for bright green, fragrant leaves that are not blemished Or witted.

Price range: rs30 to  rs25 per small bunch.

Keep it fresh: Discard any plastic cartons or fastener, trim stem end, and loosely wrap mint in a damp paper towel. Seal in a zip-top bag and refrigerate 2-4 days. Wash and dry just before using it.

Pairs well with: potatoes, peas, strawberries, rhubarb, lamb, tomatoes, dark chocolate.

Creative uses: Replace the basil in any pesto recipe with mint ( or use it for garnish pasta dishes that call for basil). Mixed with buttery steamed potatoes or sweet green peas. 

Nutrition Highlights: Mints supplies the rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and inhibits the production of inflammatory chemicals like leukotrienes and many more benefits of Mint.

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