ICF strives to give out something better

Train 18 said to replace the Shatabdi trains

This new train set is expected to roll out and it has a 16 coach semi-high speed train set that will consist of 16 coaches and designed to travel at a maximum speed of 160 kmph.

S. Vishnu Sharma, INN/Chennai, @svs037

When it comes to Integral Coach Factory (ICF) only one thing can be said. The prestigious organisation that makes coaches for Indian Railways always comes up with something better. 
This time it is bringing out ‘Train 18’ which is expected to change the way people travel in trains in this country. Infodea went ahead to know more in this regard. This new train set is expected to roll out by the end of this month. It is a 16 coach semi-high speed train set that will consist of 16 coaches and designed to travel at a maximum speed of 160 kmph.
The train has been conceived, designed and is being developed in a record of time of about 18 months, as against the industry demand of about three to four years, for designing and developing of such type of new design coaches. 
Train 18 is getting ready at an approximate cost of Rs 100 crores per rake about half the price of importing such a rake from abroad, with about 80 percent Indian origin components in alignment with the motto ‘Make in India’ of our Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The modern train has two driving trailer coaches with Aerodynamic Driver’s Cab (Nose Cone) on both the ends which will be enable quicker turn-around time at destinations. 
Every alternative coach is motorized to ensure even distribution of motive power and faster acceleration/deceleration. All the equipment are underslung i.e below the chassis of  the coach leaving the complete on board space for the passengers. Moreover,, all the coaches are connected by Fully Sealed Gangways with integrated bridge plates, where passenger can walk across freely . 
The train has better passenger amenities such as on-board Wi-Fi infotainment, GPS based passenger information system, plush interiors, bio-vacuum toilets, diffused LED lighting, charging points beneath every seat, individual touch based reading lights, intelligent air-conditioning system that will adjust the cooling according to the climate conditions/occupancy, concealed roller blinds, facility for PWD passengers to enter the driving trailer coach using their wheel chairs, PWD friendly toilets, auto sensor taps in the toilets, modern pantry and food service facilities, rotating seats to match with the direction of the train in executive class, automatic sliding doors inside the coaches, modular luggage rack with glass bottom. 
The advanced state of the art suspension system will also ensure smooth and safe journey for the passengers. The total seating capacity of Train 18 is 1128 (44 × 2 Driving Trailer Coaches + 78 × 12 trailer/motor coaches + 52 × 2 Executive Chair Cars) that’s more than the conventional AC chair car trains due to availability of seats in the driving coach and removal of two power cars.
Train 18 will have modern look with continuous windows on the exterior, Aerodynamic nose Design on both the ends. On safety front, the train management system provided with the driver’s cab will ensure precise brake control and Automated doors Control. 
The automated plug doors provided on the coaches will open only when the train reaches 0 Kmph speed and the train will start only after closing of all the doors. Automated sliding footsteps will also form a temporary bridge between the train and the platform to prevent any accidental slip or fall of the passenger.
Moreover emergency talk back units (through which passengers can talk to crew in case of emergency) and CCTVs are provided in all coaches for safe and secure travel. Further, CCTV cameras on both the sides of driving cab would help the driver to monitor the movement of passengers on the platform before closing the doors and taking off.
This all Air-Conditioned chair-car formation is expected to replace the existing Shatabdi Express rakes for inter-city travel and considerably reduce the travelling time due to its better acceleration/ deceleration.
The train is also designed in such a way to save diesel by dispensing with the power cars and about 30 percent electricity saving thanks to advanced regenerative braking system. The Train 18 is sure to elevate the Passenger Experience of train travel in India to never before levels. 

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