Spot Interview & Offer Letter at Job Expo!

Skyline Group to conduct a unique Job Expo for Medical and IT students/ professionals

By Rahul L. @RAULASAP735;

Sykline Group, a medical coding company based in Tamilnadu will conduct a job expo called ‘Skyopus Job Expo’ in association with Paag Media, Chennai, an entertainment, media and communications company and knowledge partner Infodea, Chennai, an online magazine and media partner for the event.  Skyopus aims to provide a platform for job seekers to attend spot interview and upon selection walk out with an offer letter by the desired company. The Spot Interview based Job Expo will be held on Sunday 25th June 2017 between 9 m to 5 pm at Price Infocity, OMR Road near Kelambakkam Chennai.

Skyopus Job Expo is a unique platform where employers from various industries will recruit Fresher and Experienced candidates in the field of Medicine and Information Technology. Interested candidates can log on to and register online by filling their details and uploading their resume  on or before 24th  June 2017 and pay registration fee of Rs 100 at the time of walk-in. Those failing to register online on or before 24th June can register directly on the spot on the 25th June and pay registration fee of Rs 100. Those registering both online and on the spot have to carry a hard copy of their updated resume at the venue.

The Job Expo mainly focuses on recruiting medical students and those experienced in the field of medical coding and related profession. Apart from Skyline Group, the participating companies include the likes of Omega, Access Healthcare and various medical coding BPOs. For IT job seekers, companies like Accenture, Cognizant, IBM are some of the big names participating in the Expo. Other than these, BPOs seeking AR, insurance companies will also participate and a total of 20 companies are likely to take part in the day-long expo.


For details contact: 8056015915


About Infodea

Infodea aims to bring together committed professionals from various branches of journalism (print, electronic & web), education, IT and entertainment industries, with over 10 years of combined experience in Graphic, Media and Content Design to construct tailor-made content.

At Infodea, our prime asset is a team of knowledgeable professionals, who work right from ideation to conception to produce a knowledge-empowering content. As a corporate based on creativity and innovation, Infodea aims to throw in something more, that little extra, which elevates content from the merely good, to fully realized content that changes the rules of the contest and reaches the people at an emotional level.

The company endeavour to practice something unique, something different every day to help youngsters achieve their targets.
Brimming with energy and inspiration, Infodea is ready for a run to be a leading media company in the Indian media domain.

For details visit:

About Paag Media

Founded in 2014 Paag Media an entertainment, media and communications company which encompasses five verticals of Communication Services namely Designing and Branding, Advertising, Social Media Management, Website Design and Management and Media Coverage.   Paag Media offer customers the dynamic combination of design and technology that boosts business with dedicated economic advancements. The Company brings committed professionals from various media and entertainment industries with over 10 years of combined experience in Graphic, Media and Content Design to construct tailor-made content, assets and solutions that deliver an effective brand image through various distribution channels-both digital and traditional.

Paag Media is the initiator of Intelligence Activation called ‘Yours for Business Success’ wherein the company conduct its services under the auspices of trust to build long-term relations with its clients and provide cost effective resolutions to robust their business.

The company delivers value on the strength of superior consumer insights, engaging ideas, deeper understanding of touch points and appropriate use of digital, design and marketing tools to achieve performance excellence.


For details, visit:

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