Learning “Ornamental Fish Culture”

By Infodea News Network (INN), Chennai

From different districts of Tamil Nadu, a count of 20 trainees participated in the three days training program on “Ornamental Fish Culture” organised by The Department of Fisheries Extension, Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Fisheries University from 04th October 2017 to 06th October 2017 in order to learn the various aspects of ornamental fish culture practices along with demonstrations. After the training, all the participants were taken to ornamental fish farm at Sawyerpuram to gain hands on practical knowledge in ornamental fish farming. The training programme aimed to provide skill based training in ornamental fish field helping in self-employment of the trainees by starting their own farming practices and to work towards the aim, the certificates were distributed to the participants by the Dean, Dr.G.Sugumar who also addressed the participants by talking about the importance of this training program motivating the participants to take up ornamental fish culture to improve their financial status. The program was coordinated by Dr.K.Veerabhadran, Professor of this Department who could be contacted for further information on ornamental fish culture which was concluded by the vote of thanks by Mrs.G.Aruloli, Assistant Professor, Department of Fisheries Extension.

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