INN, Infodea News Network, @infodeaofficial;
Chennai 14th, September 2017;
Department of Physics, Easwari Engineering College has organized 4th National Conference on Materials for Modern World (NCMMW-2017). The Chief Guest for the inaugural function of the Conference was Dr. V. Natarajan, Scientist – G, Director, Research and Innovation Centre of DRDO, IIT Madras Research Park, Chennai. Dr. S. Nirmala, Head of Physics Department and Convener welcomed the gathering and delivered the overview of the conference. Chief Guest has delivered the inaugural address and graced the occasion and has spoken about how the research on new materials leads to technological development.
The proceeding of the conference was released by the Chief Guest and was received by vice – principal. There were 4 sessions consisting of three invited talks by renowned Scientists and Professors from Research and Innovation Centre DRDO, Anna University Chennai and St. Peters University. The total number of participants for the conference was about hundred. Fifty six delegates presented papers on various topics like nano materials, photonic materials, crystallography, crystal growth, dielectric materials etc. The conference ended with valedictory function.