Mathematics Dept of HCAS conducts guest lecture
INN/Chennai, @infodeaofficial
Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Chennai recently organised a Guest Lecture on “Differential Equations” for U.G level Students. This program was conducted by Department of Mathematics. Around 200 students of Mathematics and Computer Applications department took part in it. This lecture was conducted on behalf of 131st Birthday Celebration of Srinivasa Ramanujan., well known scientist
The event started with invocation prayer song followed by a welcome address by Dr.Y. Angeline Christobel Dean – School of Computational Studies. The guest lecture was preceded by a short talk by the Principal of HCAS.
In his talk he emphasized the importance of basic science & research for the developments of mathematical applications with specific examples.
After Principal’s motivational speech, DR. Y. BALACHANDRAN associate professor department of mathematics presidency college, Chennai, chief guest of this event encouraged the students to do P.G in Mathematics in various different top institutions like IIT, ISI and Anna University.
Then he started his lecture on insight of the topic Differential Equations. The lecture started around 10:45 and ended around 11:45 PM. The event ended with honorarium to the guests and vote of thanks by D. Suresh, HOD Mathematics.