HITS – Christmas Celebrations – 2018

Rev. Eapen Mathew, Vicar, St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Church, Adayar rendered the Opening Prayer. In his message, he said, “Concept of God is same in all religions; only the names differ. We are the temple of God. Love is God and God is love. Do everything with faith and hope, God will definitely help to overcome hurdles in life. The more you trust yourselves, the more you become temple of God. Let us make this Christmas a day to get ourselves closer to God.” Mr. Sadhu Chellappa correlated Christmas and gifts: “The joy is all about gifts . . . Let us gift an enemy, forgiveness; an opponent, tolerance; a friend, our heart; to all, charity; to every child, a good example; and to ourselves, respect!”.
Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese, Chair Person, Hindustan Group of Institutions, in her Christmas message said, “Jesus is both God and human in the shape of one. He emphasized on serving poor: an equivalent to God. Christ should be celebrated during Christmas not religion. Only through love of God we can get joy and harmony among us. Christmas brings universal love to this distraught world.” Further, she wanted each of us to renew our hearts and stay committed to work for God and society in the new year.
Dr. Susan Marthandan, Director, Hindustan Colleges of Arts and Science gave message from the Bible. Mellifluous choir rendition of carols accompanied by orchestra got appreciations from all.
The Hindustan Group of Institutions Calendar and Diary 2019 of the institution was released by General Lt Bobby Mathews, Joint Director, Hindustan International Schools; and the first copy was received by Dr. Mrs. Elizabeth Verghese. Prize distribution for “BIBLIA 2018”, a Bible Quiz was done during the celebration. Hindustan College of Arts and Science and Hindustan International School, Padur won first prize in Biblia under College and School category respectively.
With the gleeful entry of Santa Claus wishing “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year”, and “Silent Night” sung, the celebrations came to denouement. Rev. Jobi Varghese, Student Chaplain, HGI showered the programme with closing prayer. Kindly print it in your media.