How Cultural Upbringing Compliments Philippine’s Education System

By: Ching Aquino, INN, Philippines 

Before we even learn how to write our names, we’ve been told so many times to use “po” and “opo” (words of respect) to acknowledge respect to our elders along with the practice of pagmamano (blessing of hands). The Filipino culture had really sipped its way to our minds at a very young age.

When you stepped in school, the Filipino beliefs also encompasses the stories read by our teacher to us, the infamous “Si Langgam (The Ants) at si tipaklong (the grasshopper)”, in that story it shows two friends who possessed different character. One is a hard worker and the other is lazy. The ants who are the hard workers never stop to find for a living before the rainy season comes while the grasshopper who do nothing but to play while there is a sun and never thinks what will he eat when it rains. And when the rainy season comes, the ants are all prepared but the grasshopper had nothing so he asked the ants to give him food but he was refused. Through the story we’ve learned how hard work really pays off during crucial times. Our educational system does not only wants us to learn Academic basics but also forge our conduct.

Even during our elementary years, we’ve been introduced to numerous Good Manners and Right Conduct Exercises (GMRC). We’ve learned that cooperation and team work is the secret recipe to make successful projects. We’ve all heard that for us to be an effective leader we must be an effective member first. Even now our faith to the Mighty Creator binds us during difficult times.  Diligence, hospitality, resourcefulness and many other values had been implanted to us at early age and will still continue to be cherished and give importance every day as long as we live.

These traits are what make us Filipinos special. Our genuine concern, our compassion and hospitable hearts are what make us proud natives of this archipelago. Together, with our cultural tradition and striving education we will continue to uphold and honour our great country.

Being religious, love to mankind, nature lover and a law abiding citizen is what our nation aims us to become and what we will continue to be.

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