Conclave reimagines India in 2030
S Vishnu Sharmaa, INN/Chennai, @Svs037
IIT-Madras has turned centre of attraction recently with its alumni hosting a grand event ‘Sangam 2019 Annual Conclave’ on ‘Reimagining India in 2030.’
Sangam is the annual event of IIT-Madras Alumni Association (IITMAA) which has about 50,000 alumni spread across the globe. The grand event witnessed release of the report ‘Re imagining India in 2030,’ it proposes 38 recommendations and eight grand challenges across five pillars in order to meet 22 specific national objectives to envision a new India by 2030.
A survey on the mood of the nation was also brought out during the conclave. It was carried out amongst the women, men, students and alumni of IIT-Madras. The survey attempted to capture the sentiment on the state of India in 2030 and role-models who inspire Indians.
Good news is the survey found out that the view about India remains highly positive among the respondents with 74 per cent feeling that India’s financial and economic situation will be better.
The survey had 2,295 respondents and 38 per cent were women, 37 per cent students and 19 per cent were IIT-Madras alumni. Chairman of Axilor Ventures and co-founder of Infosys Kris Gopalakrishnan said India must aim of for equitable, sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Technology and innovation are key to improve productivity, solve societal problems, provide access as well as good jobs to our citizens, he said.
Minister for Tamil Official Language, Tamil Culture and Archaeology, Government of Tamilnadu said the five pillars are essential for the growth of India by 2030, the emphasis should be on building a strong cultural identity for the country, at the same time maintaining a coherent diversity. Prof Bhaskar Ramamurthi, director, IIT-Madras also spoke.