Monthly Archive: August 2021



Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial Andaman and Nicobar Island is a heaven for the tourist and the adventure seeking teenagers. Home of tribes, people generally visit this place to peace their minds. Peace prevails all...


Bar Wizard as a Profession

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial People, particularly the young crowd are thronging to pubs and also the ‘pub culture’ is turning into rampant in Asian nation. A bartender’s job is not a simple one, as...


Career as a Fashion Designer

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial Coming into the field of fashion has been the aspiration of the many young fashion aspirants. What intrigues them is that the flashiness and glamour that one associates with the...


Career as a Businessman

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial Being an enterpriser means having a concept and start a business supported to it. Once a business plan is generated, a person must take several actions to convert it into...


Career as Human Resources Manager (HR)

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial Human resource managers are the professionals, who are accountable for attracting, managing, motivating and developing workers for the advantage of an organization. The general public, who land in human resource...


Career as Astronaut

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial An Astronaut is a person who flies into the space. The word Astronaut owes its origin to Greek words – “Astro” meaning celestial body or star and “nautis” meaning sailor, which together means that “Star Sailor.”...


Career as a Charted Accountant

Pratik Verma, INN/Hyderabad @Tragicfonts, @Infodeaofficial Chartered job is thought to be the core of all business, tiny or huge. The responsibilities and work of chartered accountants involve financial decision, accounting, taxation and auditing. A career as...


What is SaaS and why does it promise 5 lakh new jobs for Indian techies?

Nikita Shekhawat , INN/Telengana @NikitaS53626040, @Infodeaofficial The  Indiаn  infоrmаtiоn  teсhnоlоgy  industry,  аmоng  the  mоst  imроrtаnt  emрlоyers  оf  white-соllаr  рrоfessiоnаls  within  the  соuntry,  is  аbоut  tо  determine  а  sрurt  in  jоbs,  due  tо  bооming  business  fоr ...