Tagged: water


Celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi in an environment friendly manner

Environmentalists urge usage of clay idols Darshita Chaube, INN/Gwalior, @Infodeaofficial Everything we do matters a lot. Everyone of us can do their bit to strengthen the environment around us. Use every occasion to contribute towards...


Exploring the treasures of Philippines

By Erlinda J Fronda, @lynfronda23, INN, UAE; Having one of the 7 New Wonders of Nature, Philippines became popularly known as one of the tourist destinations in the world. Because of its natural environment, resources...


Are you humane enough for 2018’s Holi for HUMANS?

By: Sandhya Chauhan, @sandhya_ocea, INN, Gwalior; One of the most ancient and eagerly anticipated festivals of India is round the corner to splash vibrant hues in our lives and embrace the year with a celebratory start. Holi...


Water levels in reservoirs goes down!

Country faces deficit by 3% across reservoirs By: INN/PIB, Bangalore, @infodeaofficial; Be it a human or an animal, the entire universe is reliant on water for survival and it cannot be shorn of. It is a hard...


Quiz for School Students on Water Resources

By INN/PIB, Delhi, @infodeaofficial; Central Water Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation will be organizing a National Level Water Quiz competition for school children in January next year in the national capital. The contest is...


Tamil Nadu’s twin woes: power and water

by SVS In power-starved Tamil Nadu, a look at the arithmetic reveals the actual situation. The state needs around 11,500 MW, but is able to generate only around 7,500 MW. To address the shortfall, authorities...