Tagged: Transport


Indian Railways has happy news

S Vishnu Sharma, INN/Chennai, @svs037 Tamilnadu did meet the unpleasant during November when cyclone Gaja struck it. A lot of people have come forward to lend a helping hand in this time of crisis and...


The mindless debate over metro railways

INN/New Delhi, @infodeaofficial, @sunitanar What is at stake is a discussion on what it would take to make the public transport system of our cities truly the one that moves people, not vehicles. But who...


What happened to AN 32?

Two years over, no clue about the missing IAF aircraft yet By- SVS, INN/Chennai,ย @svs037ย  The mystery about the AN 32 aircraft of Indian Air Force (IAF) still continues.ย It was two years ago on 22 July...