Author: infodeaadmin


Coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic in the world

Fahad Hussain, INN /Chennai, @Infodeaofficial Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without...


Travel Concession in passenger fare

INN/New Delhi, @Infodeaofficial Indian Railways extend travel concessions in passenger fare to 53 categories of passengers and the element of concession ranges from 10% to 100%. The details of revenue foregone due to concession given...


Regulation of Online Retailers

INN/New Delhi, @Infodeaofficial Considering the potential of e-Commerce, Government of India plans to encourage it to contribute towards India’s proposed USD 1 trillion digital economy. However, e-Commerce companies having foreign investment can operate only a...


Industrial Parks in India

INN/New Delhi, @Infodeaofficial Industrial Park Scheme-2002, applicable for any undertaking which develops, develops and operates, or, maintains and operates, an Industrial Park for the period beginning 1st April, 1997 and ending 31st March, 2006, was...


Skill Development in Rural Areas

INN/New Delhi, @Infodeaofficial Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (2016 – 2020) is the flagship outcome-based Skill Training Scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) which aims to train 10 million youths by 2020...


Advice for travelers returning from China

INN/New Delhi, @Infodeaofficial All you need to know to protect yourself and your family An outbreak of Novel Coronavirus is on-going in China and exported cases have been reported from other countries internationally.Coronaviruses cause illness...