Monthly Archive: October 2016


This Diwali, light a lamp of knowledge

Deepavali, or Diwali, is a festival of lights symbolizing the victory of righteousness and the lifting of spiritual darkness. The word “Deepavali” refers to rows of diyas, or clay lamps. This is one of the...


Books Going Online

by Dr. Sujeetha Mohan Books are always our good friend. The knowledge passed from ages or from generation to generation is a key factor for the expansion of our civilisation. With technology, increasingly creeping into...


The celebrity apprentice: celebrating the indefensible

U.S. Elections: A Pandora’s Box of Horrors There was an excruciating, albeit rip-roaringly funny, moment in the ‘Saturday Night Live’ episode aired right after the first U.S. Presidential debate a couple of weeks back when...



by Dr. Raunak Kumar Das, @raunak813 Recently, North Korea had claimed to test fire a Hydrogen bomb which surprised the world. If it was true, it would not only be an achievement for the country but...


Mistakes: How long, how many?

by  Yasir Peerzada The day Burhan Wani was killed nobody would have thought that his death will become an international issue and will bring two nuclear powers almost to a state of war. In the...


An anatomy of a sport disaster

by  Vivek Prasad The Olympics are well and truly over and India has positioned itself in a dismal 67th position,  and to add insult to injury even developing countries such Indonesia and Malaysia have fared...


On the road, in top gear

Biker from Bihar making amends in Motorsports racing By; INN, Chennai, @infodeaofficial The father’s dreams of seeing his son do well in studies have been washed, dried and hung on a rope, like laundry. They’ve been...


Needed, a novel approach for cyber crimes

By; INN, Chennai, @infodeaofficial: A connected world would logically mean more ease for users of technology. But here’s a fact check: Tackling cyber crime effectively will emerge as one of the most formidable challenges for...


Smoking ban goes up in smoke

Ritesh Ranjan, INN/Chennai, @Infodeaofficial  A  penal offence under the rule of law, smoking near schools and colleges goes unabated in the city. The Madras High Court in its recent hearing had ordered a blanket ban...


From Rio with Love

by Vivek Prasad India has put up a fantastic show at the Paralympics Games held in Rio, Brazil, with a rich haul of golds, silver and a bronze. Ever since the names of the 19...